
Monday, May 30, 2011

Waiting to Click

Kat Sloma from  The Kat Eye View of the World features a series called” Exploring with a Camera.”
I was immediately drawn to her description of why she chose the name for her series, “Exploring with a Camera” rather than using the words “challenge” or “assignment.”  Her series is intended to inspire, to see the world in a different way and make it a fun experience.
The first series I took part in was called waiting to click. Waiting for all of the elements to be in place, to capture the photo you had in mind.   On a chilly April morning, we attended a reenactment of the Battle on the Old North Bridge in Concord, commemorating the opening battle of the American Revolutionary War.
We had a lot of rain in New England this spring, and the banks of the river were overflowing. There was a large overflow of water in the field right next to the path where the “Colonists” would be marching.  I waited for the right moment, when the colonists marching by would be reflected in the water – and the colors of the red, blue and yellow jackets would add more interest to the photo.

I can’t tell you how excited I was to have Kat include my photo on her blog.  It really gave me a great boost of confidence and validation to continue with my playful explorations.  And I have been loving it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st official post

Are you a scanner?  I fit author Barbara Sher’s description of a scanner.  I’ve taken a lot of ribbing from family members over the years because I have so many interests and I don’t “stick with one.” According to Barbara Sher, we are actually a special kind of thinker genetically wired to be interested in many things. 

One of the interests in my life which always comes back in an ebb and flow is photography.
When I was little I loved taking random pictures, but back then is was cost prohibitive to let a child take so many photo’s  - the cost of film and developing pictures added up!  That is one of the reasons I love digital cameras – the freedom to take as many pictures as I want, and not worry about how much it costs!   
For more years than I like to admit, I have been promising myself that “someday” I would buy myself a nice camera.  This spring my father passed away and I remembered that life is fleeting.  I bought my camera and have been having fun exploring and experimenting ever since.